Tuesday, December 21, 2010

USDA Offers Conservation Funding to Organic Producers

From: Environmental News and Announcements

Release No. 0669.10
Office of Communications 202-720-4623

USDA Offers Conservation Funding to Organic Producers
Initiative in its Third Year

WASHINGTON, December 20, 2010 - Agriculture Deputy Secretary Kathleen
Merrigan today announced USDA will provide funding to help organic
producers and those transitioning to organic production implement
resource conservation practices on their agricultural operations.

"Increasing consumer demand for organically grown foods is providing new
opportunities for small and mid-size farmers to prosper and stay
competitive in today's economy," Merrigan said. "The 2008 Farm Bill
calls for this assistance, and we want to help these farmers protect the
natural resources on their land and create conditions that help foster
organic production."

Fiscal year (FY) 2011 marks the third year of USDA's Organic Initiative,
and up to $50 million is available this year for producers to plan and
implement conservation practices that address natural resource concerns
in ways that are consistent with organic production. For example,
organic producers may use the funding to plant cover crops, establish
integrated pest management plans, or implement nutrient management
systems consistent with organic certification standards.

Eligible producers include those certified through USDA's National
Organic Program, those transitioning to certified organic production,
and those who meet organic standards but are exempt from certification
because their gross annual organic sales are less than $5,000. In FY
2010, NRCS obligated nearly $24 million through the Organic Initiative
to help producers implement conservation practices.

Organic Initiative funding is provided through the Environmental Quality
Incentives Program (EQIP), a voluntary conservation program administered
by USDA's Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) that promotes
agricultural production and environmental quality as compatible national
goals. The 2008 Farm Bill provided for assistance specifically for
organic farm operations and those converting to organic production.

Under Organic Initiative contracts, producers are paid 75 percent of the
cost for the organic conservation measures they implement. Beginning,
limited resource, and socially disadvantaged producers are paid 90
percent. The program provides up to $20,000 per year per person or legal
entity, with a maximum total of $80,000 over six years.

Producers interested in applying for Organic Initiative funding must
submit applications through their local NRCS Service Center, which can
be located through the Web site at
http://offices.sc.egov.usda.gov/locator/app?agency=nrcs. Applications
are accepted on a continuous basis, with the cutoff date set for March
4, 2011.

NRCS is celebrating 75 years helping people help the land. Since 1935,
the NRCS conservation delivery system has advanced a unique partnership
with state and local governments and private landowners delivering
conservation based on specific, local conservation needs, while
accommodating state and national interests.

USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer and lender. To file a
complaint of discrimination, write: USDA, Director, Office of Civil
Rights, 1400 Independence Ave., S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or
call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202-720-6382 (TDD).

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