Thursday, March 11, 2010

March 17 Miaimi Heaven to Earth a Call to Consciousness Jacqueline Ripstein Art Show Witness the Revelation - for events in Miami


S.K. Ripstein Inc is proud to present

Heaven to Earth:A Call to Consciousness. Join us to Witness a Revelation - March 17th, 7-10pm

Join us for a unique experience of Peace and Inspiration...
a Call to Consciousness

Meet internationally acclaimed artist Jacqueline Ripstein and witness the revelation of her Invisible World of Art & Light (pat.)

WEDNESDAY - MARCH 17TH, 2010 - 7 TO 10PM

Mandatory RSVP to

Press contact: Stephanie Ripstein 305.931.2201

A portion of the evening's proceeds will benefit Common Ground for Conservation

Event in FaceBook:

Presented with support from: United States - Mexico Chamber of Commerce, S.K. Ripstein Inc,, Russian Standard Vodka,
Presidente Light, Cinnabon of Aventura Mall, The Cheese Course

Avant Gallery - 3850 N. Miami Avenue - Miami, FL 33127 - The Design District - 305.573.8873

*Stephanie Kon Ripstein*
S.K.Ripstein Inc.
P.R.-Special Events-Entertainment Coaching & Consulting-Publicity & Promotions
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This is a time of New Beginnings, and the patterns of perfection from the Heavenly Realms are flooding into the consciousness of an
awakening Humanity.

Since the Arts are our creative means of connecting to higher dimensions, through its powers, we have the ability to bring
inspirational images, sounds, colors into our physical manifestation. Helping raise our emotions in times of so much fear and

Being part of a world transformation is our responsibility. With every step we make, every thought we think, we are either adding to
the Light of the world or to the shadows of it. We are living challenging times, we are in the middle of a transitional time, the
shift between the Era of Pisces and the Era of Aquarius, the shift between colors as well, we are moving as humanity from the blue
color to the Purple color, being this one the highest vibrational color that helps us to connect to our spiritual realm.
We are entering the Violet Ray Era, welcome my friends.

Are we ready to become a butterfly? The time has come! The Birth is here!
Heaven is ready to merge within us, and as we awaken and elevate ourselves, Earth and Heaven will then blend divinely. As we create
visions of love and inspiration, the New Heaven and the New Earth, will be born into higher levels of consciousness. We are
witnessing the birth of a New humanity that is merging with the Light of all Creation.

As we hold the power of our attention on those images that will uplift us and assist us in this new and unique transitional
journey!.We will then create the world we have all been wishing to have for centuries!

As we explore a radically different, more optimistic interpretation of what is really happening in our lives, and the reality we are
living, we are all hearing, and being pumped to be in a fearful state, by the "end of times", as the Mayan prophecy has revealed
thousands of years ago! - Yes, it is in many scripts written that our times are referring to this "end," this end is really part of
the changes of the entry to a New Era ,the Birth. As the woman in the painting that is pregnant and about to give birth to a New
Humanity. The Era of Aquarius is here, the world as we have known it is transforming, it is not that it will happen on the year
2012, it is already happening now! The pregnancy is the creation and preparation for the Birth!

The Man has the fire and the key in his hands; this represents the answer to our transformation.
What if we could focus differently on the Mayan prophecy? Instead of visualizing the prediction(and other predictions) of a physical
destruction of the material world, we focus on it being a death and rebirth of our new World? And with it a birth of a higher state
of Consciousness and a mass inner transformation of humanity."

We need to make a decision how we see the glass. is it full or is it empty? Are we ready to discover that the left empty part of the
glass has never been empty; as it is full of atoms of light? And it has more opportunity for containing the Light in itself?

Our thoughts can create our misery and pain, or.our thoughts can create bliss and joy. Instead of just allowing ourselves to be
bombarded with painful images of Humanity's suffering, and being destroyed, I invite you to meditate and focus our energies in
re-creating a New World, a World where as co-creators we become responsible for our actions, and we have in its infinite plan
leaving a world of a healthy planet to our children and live within our magnificent Mother Earth and all life within it!

The Arts, will become again a indispensable tool to connect to the Infinite Light into which we are ascending.

The arising of the new consciousness has begun; the awakening is so needed...NOW!
To help save our Earth and Humanity!
We are running out of Time!

We humbly ask for forgiveness to Planet Earth and to it's Life,
For all of our trespasses.
As we awaken, One by One,
A new Humanity will rise...
Creating together
A World of Love and Peace!

Jacqueline RipsteinC

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