Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Interested in scientific information on glaciers, climate change, sea level rise and the like.

See Dr. Aslak Grinsted's website

Here are some topics from his website.

1. Reconstructing sea level from paleo and projected temperatures 200 to 2100 AD. Sea level rise of roughly a meter over the next

2. Recent global sea level acceleration started over 200 years ago? This paper has turned out to be quite popular. It made the
frontpage of GRL, got an editorial highlight, and reached the top downloads of the AGU journals.

3. Gulf Stream and ENSO Increase the Temperature Sensitivity of Atlantic Tropical Cyclones. Abstract Controversy exists over the
role of the recent rise in sea surface temperatures (SST) and the frequency of tropical cyclones or hurricanes. Here, 135 yr of
observational records are ...

4. Relative importance of mass and volume changes to global sea level rise. Abstract We examine the relationship between
50-year-long records of global sea level (GSL) calculated from 1023 tide gauge stations and global ocean heat content (GOHC),
glacier and ice.

5. PhD thesis. Grinsted (2006) Advanced methods of glaciological modelling and time series analysis, Doctoral dissertation, Arctic
Centre Reports 47.

6. Negligible Solar Forcing of Climate at Multi-year and Decadal Periods. We examine possible links between solar cycle irradiance
variations the large atmospheric circulation systems that affect whole planet's climate.

Take Action on Global Warming

Click here to tell Congress you want action on global warming.

The first ever comprehensive energy and climate bill to be considered by the House of Representatives begins moving through Congress
this week. This legislation, The American Clean Energy and Security Act (H.R. 2454) will require polluters to pay for the costs of
dumping harmful carbon pollution into the air, and will jumpstart clean energy development, protecting businesses and creating jobs
across the country.

Please click here to tell your Representative that you support this groundbreaking legislation.

Acting to limit carbon pollution is absolutely essential if we are to have any chance of protecting communities and vulnerable
public lands - our wilderness areas, our coastal refuges, national parks and treasured landscapes - from the severe and costly
effects of global warming. To address the effects we can't stop due to pollution already in the atmosphere, an important provision
in the bill will provide dedicated funding to safeguard our lands and wildlife from the impacts of global warming.

As you would expect, entrenched polluters including Big Oil and Big Coal and their supporters in Congress are doing all they can to
weaken the legislation. Led by ranking minority member Joe Barton of Texas, those who oppose the bill plan to introduce no fewer
than 450 amendments to H.R. 2454, nearly all of them designed to weaken the bill or delay its implementation. If they have their
way, polluters will rake in windfall profits and be allowed to dump heat-trapping gases for years longer than scientists advise.

Please show your support for this legislation by taking action now.
<> Passing a strong energy and climate bill in this Congress is
the highest priority for The Wilderness Society. Please join us in this effort.

With gratitude for your support,

Kathy Kilmer
The Wilderness Society

P.S. Find out more in the Tell me More <> section.


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The Wilderness Society's mission is to protect wilderness and inspire Americans to care for our wild places. As a subscriber to
WildAlert, you join more than 310,000 Wilderness Society members and supporters in protecting and restoring America's wild places.


Endangered Female Wolf Killed, Dumped Along Road

Dumped on the Roadside

F836 one of just 52 lobos left in the wild was killed by a poacher shortly after being released to the wild. Federal officials said
that prior to her death she "was on her way to being a successful animal."

She was one of the rarest in the world: a southwest wolf (also known as a lobo). Scientists gave her the designation F836 to keep
track of her.

Raised in South Salem, New York's Wolf Conservation Center, she was released with excitement into her native habitat in Arizona late
last year.

But just two months later, a poacher killed her then dumped her like garbage along a road near Pinetop, Arizona. Sadly, her few
remaining brethren could face a similar fate if we don't act right now.

Lobos like F836 are the most endangered wolves in the world. Only 52 lobos -- and only two breeding pairs of these Southwest wolves
-- now exist in the wild.

Your compassionate contribution today will help pay for rewards to bring the killer of wolf F836 to justice and catch other
criminals who kill endangered wolves. According to the Fish and Wildlife Service, illegal shooting was the leading cause of
documented loss of lobos in 2008.

Your contribution is also vital to our court battle to correct the terrible mismanagement that has undermined lobo recovery efforts.
In 2007, 19 wolves were removed from the wild under flawed management policies now in place -- more than one-third of the lobos then
in the wild.

We know there is a better way to manage wolves in the southwest. With the support of caring people like you, we recently scored an
important initial legal victory in our case to return wolf management responsibilities to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and to
end the controversial "three-strikes" rule that has led to the unwarranted killing and removal of lobos from their natural habitat
in the wild.

For the Wild Ones,
Rodger Schlickeisen
Defenders of Wildlife

You can make a secure tax-deductible donation online now or call
1-800-385-9712 to contribute over the phone.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

More giveaways for developing the world's dirtiest fossil fuel?

Stop additional public lands in Utah, Colorado, and Wyoming from being needlessly committed to the oil shale folly.

If oil companies are allowed to extract oil shale - the world's dirtiest fossil fuel - from public lands in these Western states,
the consequences will be devastating.

Take action now.

In record numbers, Americans are calling for an end to our nation's addiction to fossil fuels, but Big Oil is not giving up.

The oil industry already has millions of acres of land in Wyoming, Utah, and Colorado in its pocket that could be used for oil shale
development, but they're demanding more to pursue ways to unlock the same oil shale resources responsible for busting local
communities time and again.

What's oil shale? Simply put, it's the dirtiest fossil fuel in the world. It is rock that needs to be mined, processed, and burned
at high temperatures using extraordinary amounts of water and energy to yield useful fuel. Moreover, it's an unproven commercial
fuel source. If development proceeds as recklessly as the BLM has planned, the impact on these Western states will be devastating.

Take action now and urge the Bureau of Land Management to halt additional public land giveaways for oil shale development.

If you support a cleaner, greener future, there's nothing to like about what the oil shale industry has to offer.

First, extraction technologies are extremely resource intensive. The BLM itself estimates their development plan would require ten
new coal-fired power plants would have to be built just to provide the energy needed for extraction. What's more, the amount of
water needed to process oil shale would place the water resources of these arid lands under immense stress, forever changing the
lives of people and wildlife in the region.

In the quest for new energy sources, dirty fossil fuels are not the answer. This sort of reckless development puts our wild places
at risk. Places like Colorado's Piceance Basin, a spectacular expanse of rolling sagebrush inhabited by North America's largest herd
of mule deer, would be subject to additional air pollution, water depletion, and would be carved up by miles of new roads and
pipelines on top of rapidly expanding natural gas development.

It's time to move our nation away from dirty fossil fuel dependency. Click here to keep the BLM from deepening the nation's
commitment to oil shale development today.

Protecting our public lands not only ensures our natural heritage, but is essential for real economic recovery. Your letter today
will help make all the difference.


Kathy Kilmer
The Wilderness Society

Friday, May 8, 2009

Florida eNews: 5 Ways to Save Florida's Sea Turtles

From: Defenders of Wildlife

Visit for more information

Manatees in the Midst

They weigh over a ton, are North America's closest living relative to the elephant and may be as smart as dolphins. But the fate of
the manatee is in our hands. While populations of these slow-moving creatures seem to be on the rise, endangered manatees still face
many hurdles to recovery. Rapid coastal development and speeding boats continue to take their toll on these iconic creatures.

Writer Nick Jans takes a look at Florida's manatee population in the latest edition of Defenders Magazine

Also in the Magazine: Mexico's Parrot Trade Exposed and The Great Bear Count

Speak Out for Wildlife in a Warming World

Congress is poised to take the first steps to address global warming -- one of the most pressing issue facing our planet. Scientists
warn that global warming could threaten one-third of the world's plant and vertebrate animal species with extinction by 2050. That's
why it's crucial that comprehensive global warming legislation include dedicated policies and funding to ensure wildlife can

More than 33,000 Defenders supporters have already contacted their Representatives urging Congress to dedicate funding to help polar
bears, wolves and other wildlife survive in a warming world.

5 Things to Save Sea Turtles

Sea turtle nesting season is underway on Florida's beaches -- and these ancient mariners need all the help they can get. Although
nearly 90 percent of sea turtle nesting in the U.S. occurs in Florida, over the last decade nesting rates in the state have dropped
more than 40 percent for the loggerhead turtle. Florida's coastal residents and beach visitors can help sea turtles during the
nesting season by keeping beaches clean, being aware of nesting sites and reducing artificial lighting near beaches that can
distract and confuse mothers and hatchlings and lead to their death.

Download our fact sheet "5 Things You Can Do To Save Sea Turtles" (PDF) and learn how you can help. Better yet, print it out and
post it in local shops to spread the word.

It's not too late to adopt a sea turtle or other wildlife for Mom's special day from the Wildlife Adoption Center. Simply place your
order and send Mom an eCard to let her know this special gift is on the way

Defenders Helps Oregon Ranchers, Wolves

When wolves were suspected of killing several sheep on an Oregon ranch, Defenders quickly stepped in to offer help. We contributed
fladry and other non-lethal tools to prevent any further predations and have offered compensation to the sheep producer for losses
attributed to wolves. This was Oregon's first wolf depredation incident since they returned to the state in 1999.

Learn more about how Defenders helps prevent wolf/livestock conflicts

Petition for the Birds
The Federal Communications Commission has replied to a petition filed by Defenders, American Bird Conservancy and National Audubon
Society to address fatal migratory bird collisions with the 100,000 communications towers across the U.S by opening a public comment
period. The petition was accompanied by more than 15,000 signatures from citizens (including more than 11,000 Defenders supporters)
concerned about our feathered friends.

You can still sign the petition to help save birds -- take action today.

House Helps Rare Wildlife
The House of Representatives has passed two pieces of legislation aimed at protecting rare wild cats, dogs and struggling birds last
month. The Great Cats and Rare Canids Act provides vital funds for on-the-ground conservation of cheetahs, clouded leopards and
other wildlife around the world. The Crane Conservation Act, also passed by the House, supports some of the rarest birds on the

Alaska's Wolf Killing Presses On
Despite the end of another bloody aerial gunning season that claimed the lives of more than 250 wolves in Alaska, the Palin
administration has indicated that it will continue to kill wolves through other means.

Defenders in Action

Last month, key Defenders supporters and members of our board headed to Capito Hill to meet with elected officials and advocate on
behalf of wildlife struggling to survive in a warming world.

Among the advocates were wildlife biologist and TV host Jeff Corwin and actress Ashley Judd. These celebrities (and Defenders board
members) took time out of their busy schedule to speak out on Capitol Hill for polar bears and other wildlife struggling in a
warming world.

Both testified before the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior, Environment and Related Agencies, and urged lawmakers to
not only ensure that comprehensive climate and energy legislation addresses carbon pollution, but also deals with the effects of
rising temperatures on wildlife and the places it lives.

Learn more and read their testimony.

You can also make your voice heard.

Painted Bunting
With splashes of bright plumage, the painted bunting is one of North America's most colorful birds. But disappearing habitat and
illegal capture for the exotic pet trade is taking its toll on these songbirds.

Learn more about painted buntings in Defenders Magazine.

Greener Lawns
Want a healthy lawn without the toxins? Beyond Pesticides can help with hints for a safer lawn.

Learn more from Beyond Pesticides.

Upcoming Events
Whether you are an activist looking for ways to make your voice heard or a biologist seeking a conference where you can share your
latest paper, Defenders has an event for you.

Click here for the latest upcoming events.

C Copyright 2009 Defenders of Wildlife

Defenders of Wildlife is a national, nonprofit membership organization dedicated to the protection of all native wild animals and
plants in their natural communities.

Defenders of Wildlife can be contacted at:
1130 17th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Thanks for speaking out for polar bears

From: Rodger Schlickeisen, Defenders of Wildlife

Dear Andrew,

Thank you for taking action to help protect our polar bears. With your help, we're sending a loud, clear message to the Obama
administration about the importance of saving these arctic ice kings from extinction.

Since its passage, Defenders of Wildlife has been one of the staunchest leading innovators in advocacy for polar bears, wolves and
other wildlife.

Help us fight to:

* Safeguard polar bears and other wildlife threatened by global warming;

* End Alaska Governor Sarah Palin's aerial wolf-killing program and protect wolves in the Greater Yellowstone region;

* Prevent the needless slaughter of Yellowstone bison -- some of the last wild bison in America;

* Stop deadly fishing practices that kill imperiled sea turtles; and

With Gratitude,

Rodger and the rest of the Defenders team

P.S. You can learn more about our work to save polar bears on our website.

Sea Turtles and Polar Bears

From: Rodger Schlickeisen, Defenders of Wildlife

<a href="">A
Call to Action for Polar Bears</a>

<IMG height=150 alt="Polar Bear on Sea Ice (Photo: Hopkins, Nat'l Geo)" align="right"
src="" width=200 border=0 />
Global warming and habitat loss could drive America's polar bears to extinction by the end of the century or sooner.

Urge Interior Secretary Ken Salazar to give America's vanishing polar bears a vital lifeline by extending full protections to these
iconic ice hunters under the Endangered Species Act.

Click this link to take action

You are Making a Difference
Last week, the actions and donations of caring wildlife supporters like you helped Defenders.

Loggerhead Sea Turtle
Secure a six-month moratorium on bottom longline fishing in the Gulf of Mexico, where threatened and endangered sea turtles were
dying at an alarming rate.

Reverse regulatory changes made by the Bush/Cheney administration that would have shredded the safety net for 1,300 threatened and
endangered species.

Your action for sea turtles made a difference

Dear Andrew,

I'm proud to report that -- thanks to your caring support -- Defenders of Wildlife has been able to secure two major victories for
wildlife in recent days.

* A six-month moratorium on a fishing practice that threatened Gulf of Mexico sea turtles; and

* The reversal of a regulatory change that threatened protections for hundreds of imperiled species.

Help us secure another win for wildlife! Urge U.S. Interior Secretary Ken Salazar to support full protections under the Endangered
Species Act for America's vanishing polar bears.

I know that your action today can make a difference for polar bears.

For months, Defenders of Wildlife has been raising the alarm about bottom longline fishing in the Gulf of Mexico, where threatened
and endangered sea turtles have been drowning and dying at alarming rates the victims of razor sharp hooks on fishing lines that
span anywhere from four to nine nautical miles.

To save these turtles, the Defenders legal team engaged in intense negotiations with the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS),
taking legal action and mobilizing nearly 50,000 caring Defenders supporters like you to speak out in favor of closing the bottom
longline fishery in the Gulf of Mexico.

Last week, our efforts paid off in a huge victory for threatened and endangered sea turtles. On Wednesday, the NMFS ordered a
6-month emergency closure of the bottom longline fishery in the Gulf of Mexico, providing a crucial lifeline to protect the lives of
imperiled sea turtles from capture and death in the fishery.

Now we need your help to save the lives of threatened polar bears in Alaska. Please take action now.

We're already seeing progress in the fight to save threatened and endangered species like the polar bear. For months, we've worked
with Congress and the Obama administration and in the media to reverse disastrous changes that the outgoing Bush/Cheney
administration had made around the enforcement of the Endangered Species Act -- changes that threatened the nearly 1,300 wildlife
species protected by this bedrock conservation law.

And last Wednesday our work for threatened and endangered species paid off when the Department of the Interior and the Department of
Commerce announced that they would formally withdraw the Bush/Cheney changes. In the two days before the decision, more than 37,000
dedicated Defenders activists called on the Obama administration to reverse changes that would have gutted enforcement of the
Endangered Species Act.

Unfortunately, Interior Secretary Salazar has so far stopped short of reversing an 11th hour regulatory change by the Bush/Cheney
administration that denies polar bears important Endangered Species Act protections from the threat of global warming -- a threat
that could drive these iconic ice hunters to extinction in America by the end of the century.

Help us save polar bears. Please urge Secretary Salazar to reverse the Bush/Cheney rule that denies our polar bears the protections
they so desperately need!

Thank you so much for your help in the last few weeks! Your actions on behalf of our sea turtles and other threatened and endangered
species are already making a big difference for America's imperiled wildlife. I hope you'll continue to support our work and take
action today to help us save polar bears

Click this link to take action

Rodger Schlickeisen
Defenders of Wildlife

Defenders of Wildlife is a national, nonprofit membership organization dedicated to the protection of all native wild animals and
plants in their natural communities.

Defenders of Wildlife can be contacted at:
1130 17th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

May 15 Boston Environmental Justice Task Force meeting

Jewish Alliance for Law & Social Action

Next Meeting, Friday, May 15, 12:30-2:00 pm
JALSA Office, 18 Tremont Street, Boston, Suite 320
by Government Center

The recent winner of the Mayor's city-wide "Greening the City" competition, Jess Lerner, will speak with us about the campaign that
she is developing. This campaign, which is supported by Mayor Menino, was selected as the winner in a competition to create an
innovative environmental awareness and action campaign for Boston. Jess, who runs the green consulting business Green on the Inside,
is a member of our Task Force and we congratulate her on being selected. She has expressed interest in explaining her project,
brainstorming ideas, listening to feedback, and potentially partnering up with us.

Get a Little Greener: Boston's Public Awareness and Action Campaign involves a PSA campaign to make citizens aware of what they can
do every day, using local people to come on TV and the radio and say what small action they are taking, one thing at a time. The
slogan is "Green a Little. Change a Lot." Once the ads begin running everywhere from TV to the T, the city will launch an
interactive website that will include tips on what you can do, chats and blogs, and a place where people can log in and record green
points for their eco actions. The city will periodically recognize those people and neighborhoods with the most green points, giving
people an opportunity to be in the next ad, or contributing something green to that community. Each community would develop a green
task force to incorporate non-profits, inner city awareness, and local activists as partners to ensure that everyone has the tools
and knowledge to take action. This would ultimately put Boston on the green map of the country, be excellent publicity for the city,
and get every person out there involved with going green- easily and affordably.

Continuing Previous Discussions:

At previous meetings we discussed the advantage of submitting joint proposals to more effectively handle the stimulus money that is
being spent on green jobs and to ensure that the money ends up where it is most needed, particularly for job training and education

Please also send in your suggestions about how we could most efficiently use the time together, and please invite others whom you
think would be interested or would have something to add to the discussion. Please bring any additional information you might have
about green jobs/green communities opportunities.

Rick Reibstein and Erica Mattison, Co-Chairs.

For further information, call David Perechocky at 617-227-3000