Monday, February 16, 2009

Stop Tree Migration Due to Global Warming

From: Care2 Action Alerts
Sent: Monday, February 16, 2009 10:32 AM

Sign the Petition

Don't Let Climate Change Destroy More Ecosystems

Protect our forests from global warming!

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Trees are the latest species seeing shifts in migration patterns due to global warming. In a study led by the U.S. Forest Service, 11 out of 15 northern-species trees shifted on average more than 12 miles north from their older counterparts.

We must take action to stop tree migration and other effects of global warming.

Not only does the shift in migration of trees reflect the undeniable presence of global warming and the changing of our world, but it also threatens the biodiversity of the forests and our nation's reliance on the natural resource.

Forest ecosystems are an extremely important natural resource to the U.S., considering that one-third of the nation's lands are forests. But the altered migration patterns could change this.

According to the study's projections, U.S. species such as the yellow birch could move well beyond the Canadian border by the early 2100s.

Tell Congress to help protect our forests - and our earth - from global warming.

Sign the Petition

From Care2

Thank you,

Care2 and ThePetitionSite Team

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